Welcome to my little cloud...
Here you can find my resume and contact information. But I want this site to add more value other than just a resume. I am currently working on adding tutorials, concepts, applications, and scripts that will make life easier for those of us in the network and web application field.
The internet is full of tutorials, so why include my own? The tutorials here will solve and discuss problems that I have came across. No basic PHP ‘hello world’ script here; there are plenty of those on the internet. For these problems I most likely scoured the internet and found 5 or more different ways to solve it. I will go into all of options to hopefully save you from some searches. I will explain which solution that was chosen and why. These tutorials may not have mass appeal but for the few that they do help, it will be a huge help.
As for concepts, I will be discussing the different technologies I have came across in my travels. Truly have a look at what these niche solutions do along with if they are needed. I am all about keeping things simple, easy to understand, and maintain. I always say when selecting or designing something “can I troubleshoot this at 2am with no sleep for the last 20 hours?”
Everyone loves something that can make their day-to-day lives easier. That is my goal with the applications. Develop elegant solutions for items in my experience that need some elegance. These may be very niche applications, but they help in a big way for those they benefit.
Those are my future goals for this page and hope I can fulfill them in due time. This site might not look like much from the outside, but it is using a lot of the technology I have learned in the last few months. Keep an eye out for information about those technologies.
Featured Articles
Docker Image: Alpine CRON
After searching and searching, I couldn't find a docker image with a simple job scheduler. So I took Alpine Linux image with the classic cron service and customized it to work with PHP-FPM containers.
Updated: June 18th 2023
Traefik v2 Secure TLS and Header Configuration with Docker Provider
Get an A+ rating on SSLLabs! Traefik v2 configuration with only TLS v1.2 and TLS v1.3 recommened ciphers. Also, review the recommended secure response headers and apply them using Traefik.
Updated: January 25th 2021
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